Product Description
The universal HYGRASGARD® KAVTF humidity measuring transducer with 6 output values is used to determine diverse measurands in humidity measuring. Measurands include relative humidity and ambient air temperature. These measurands are used to calculate various parametres internally.
Two 0-10 V outputs are available with device version x-I, and two 4...20 mA outputs are available on the x-1 version. The output variables for these outputs can be defined using DIP switches. Selectable for output 1 are relative humidity [% r.H.], absolute humidity [g/m³], mixture ratio [g/kg], dew-point temperature [°C] or enthalpy [kJ/kg] (ignoring atmospheric air pressure). At output 2, four different measuring ranges for ambient temperature [°C] are selectable. Output 1 is factory-set to 0...100 % r.H. of relative humidity (0...100 % r.H.), and output 2 is factory-set to a temperature measuring range of 0...+50 °C. Due to the different configuration alternatives, numerous measuring and control tasks can be solved with just one device.
The transmitters have been designed to operate in pollutant-free, non-precipitating air with neither above-atmospheric nor below-atmospheric pressure at the sensors. Application examples include medical, refrigeration, air conditioning and clean room engineering. The sensors are suitable for duct installation.